Introducing a Safe and Pain-Free Way to Monitor Breast Health and Other Conditions Safely and Effectively. We are excited to offer the most advanced thermography imaging available. Thermography measures the heat that radiates from your body and is completely safe. There is no radiation exposure; rather, it is similar to a camera taking a picture of your body. Thermography is a non-invasive clinical imaging procedure that can detect and monitor breast disease and other conditions by showing abnormal temperature variations present in the body.
Benefits of Thermography
- Convenient
- No Injections
- No Pain
- No Compression
- No Radiation
- Non-Invasive
Thermography is a technique used extensively in other countries as a first-line screening procedure to assess breast health. This reliable technology exists here in the USA but there is a limited awareness and insufficient education that has resulted in its being underused in clinical practice.
It is used in many different capacities to see what is happening inside your body and can assist in diagnosing and treating issues such as inflammation, musculoskeletal injuries, neurological/vascular dysfunction and cancers.
Everyone can benefit from infrared thermography. If interested in breast thermography, all women aged 25 and older can benefit.
- Those with and without and Family History of Breast Cancer (BRCA1 & BRAC2 genes)
- Clients with Inflammatory Breast Cancer
- Fibrocystic Tissue in the Breast
- Dense Breast Tissue
- Previous Breast Surgery: Biopsy, Implant Surgery or Breast Reduction
- Surgery
- Very Large or Very Small Breasts
- Currently going through breast cancer treatment
- Breast Cancer Survivors
- You should avoid any natural or artificial tanning twenty-four (24) hours prior to your appointment.
- You must not have had significant fevers within thirty-six (36) hours of the examination.
- You are asked not to shave underarms or use any skin creams, lotions, liniments, deodorants or powders on the exam day; avoid any physical stimulation, examination or compression of the breasts (self or clinical examination, Ultrasound or X-Ray Mammogram) for at least 3 days prior to the examination.
- You should refrain from a sauna, steam-room or hot/cold packs in contact with skin for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the examination.
- You are asked to refrain from exercise, bathing or showering for one hour prior to examination.
- You should refrain from any tobacco use and caffeinated beverage consumption for two hours prior to the examination.
- You should refrain from chewing gum two hours before your examination.
- You will need to remove all jewelry for your scan.
Thermography Pricing
Pricing includes report and consultation.
Advanced Infrared Thermal Imaging
Thermal imaging is a completely non-invasive, 100% safe method to get an in-depth look at your body. Using cutting edge technology from Meditherm, thermal imaging can potentially detect disease and injury anywhere in the body by revealing thermal abnormalities. Know your body better so you can heal your body better.
Thermograms provide a deep tissue perspective of what is happening inside of your body. It can assist in diagnosing and treating issues such as inflammation, musculoskeletal injuries, neurological/vascular dysfunction, and cancers. Thermography is particularly useful in diagnosing pain, breast health imaging, head and neck imaging, full body imaging, and detecting Early-Stage Disease. Get an intimate look at your health without an invasive procedure.