
Our classes are a great way mix fellowship and growth.  We can schedule a small group session for activities such as El Sali, or you can join one of our weekly seminars for activities such as Art & B.L.A.Z.E., our discussions on neuroplasticity and it’s relationship to mental health, or come learn how to rewire your brain!  You can even join our mission trips!  See below for schedules and information.

El Sali - Stretch, Sculpt, Scriptures

El Sali- the God of my strength.

Experience Movement, Breath work and Meditation focusing on God’s inspired word.  Take a break from the world and it’s influences and focus on the fullness and love that comes from God alone.  

Art & B.L.A.Z.E.

B.L.A.Z.E. stands for Born to be great, to Love, to Amaze with Zeal for God and Excellence.  Learn to create beauty through art while learning how God created beauty through you.   God designed you to B.L.A.Z.E. and bring beauty and light to those around you.

brain, energy, thought

Neuroplasticity and Mental Health

Join our Neuroplasticity seminar to learn how the physical makeup of our brain, which is directly related to many Mental Health Issues, can be reshaped and reformed by your experiences and specific therapies.  You too can change the way your brain processes and improve your mental health.

Rewiring Your Brain for Optimum Vitality

Knowledge is power! Combining the science of the three functional brains: Head, Heart, and Gut along with  Meditation; promotes whole brain thinking, extending life, healing, sleep, memory, focus, neuron count, releasing anxiety, depression & trauma.